Thursday, May 30, 2013
No seconds
followed me from yesterday,
tomorrow is near,
Eyes of a weeping willow,
raindrop tears,
Feel the pain of happiness,
Release the sad,
Reach for these branches,
autumn leaves pile for your fall,
Summer breeze blows the mind,
close encounters of your kind,
invades the senses,
We wish love didn't have such fences,
Don't park on this bench,
Just keep walking,
The mouth is a weapon so stop talking,
Hop, jump forget the skip,
I need some pepto cause your making me sick,
why would you?
How could you?
Feed me the ingredients and not finish cooking,
Be like eyes and keep looking,
Started with an oar and finished with a cane,
Now you're all alone what a shame!
Listening to self so lame,
Wishing for what you used to have,
Wanting what you use to see,
never about you and definitely not about me,
Its never too late,
Well that'a not true,
I'm not going back and that means to you....
DMK 5/30/13
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Men should be men
Never thought it could happen,
These words of passion,
Stories of a soul,
To reach many that is his goal,
To help heal painful holes,
Life goes through so many tolls,
Without getting any change,
While receiving all the bills,
Should of stayed looking out the window sill,
Love can be so dill,
The mind wanders,
Like false fathers,
Once a month is so silly,
pampers, diapers, and some air jordans cmon really?
Why should child support be forced responsibility!
Mixing the tango with two nuts,
Left her on her back with a sticky gut,
Went from half azz,
To jackass,
First to last,
Now you hate his ass,
Mental strain,
Emotional pain,
Remnants from piss stains,
Loves stock over years had no gain,
How long does one remain?
Why do we walk towards?
To the ones that made our life awkards,
When we can't see walking backwards.....
DMK 05/26/13
Friday, May 24, 2013
Knock knock
I call it a river,
She says its a stream,
I call it nocturnal,
She says its a dream,
I call it a mountain,
She says its a hill,
I call it shivers,
She says its the chills,
I call it love,
She says its infatuation,
I call it needy,
She says its desperation,
I call it over,
She says its through,
I say I can't get to you,
She says I don't try,
I call these tears,
She says don't cry,
I say this is crazy,
She says its nuts,
I say I love you,
She says how much?
I say infinite,
She says there is nothing such,
I say I'll give this heart,
She says I have one of my own,
I say what else can I give?
She says I'll let you know when these eyes stop with rain,
I said I understand for I too have past pain,
I call it a mirror,
She says its a reflection,
I say look at again to see what I love......
DMK 5/25/13
Where's the love
Distant horizon as time flies by,
The breath we take is in rhythm with the ocean tide,
The sun relieves the nightly chores,
A morning is upon us for another day,
How can we not appreciates what natures provides,
As life becomes darker,
And time unevenly divides,
Even the seasons have a seen a drastic change,
The definition of love to many is strange,
Its all about money,
To make the world go round,
Love used to be firm and could hold its ground,
No longer an anchor,
No longer can float,
How can love sail if we don't have a boat?
We could fly it like a flag for others to see,
But, if its flown at half mast how much value would it be?
Morning to night,
Open our hearts and give love some light....
DMK 05/24/13
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
My words
Understand why I write,
Despite the stage fright,
Just dim the lights,
Words like flames listen to what they ignite,
Eyes burn,
As tears churn,
I've just gathered speed how much have your learned?
Or understood?
As sentences spew from this vocal hood,
I can rip it, write it, spit it, or type it,
However you like it,
Words of wisdom,
Words entice,
Words can change the rest of your life,
If you don't like where your heading change the direction,
Don't like what is seen the mirror?
Change the reflection,
Don't take NO as the ultimate rejection,
Bad choices are because of selection,
Responsibility is way better the deflection,
Lies create infection,
Digging holes of attention,
Truth will be found,
How deep down?
Well below the knees,
Oh! Now you know the words please,
Hit you where it hurts,
Heart covered with dirt,
How deep is your faith?
Remember deep its what brought you here,
Death is in fear,
The last is what we hear,
The truth is clear,
May GOD have a place for us when we get there......,
DMK 05/06/13
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
I'm through
Took the subway to see you,
Forgot my tokens,
Where will I go?
Deep within the mind,
She is so close,
I'm so far behind,
Reaching for the unknown,
Shadow of myself,
Turning tornado in motion,
Out of control a mental commotion,
Who can understand and care with me?
Without suggesting couch therapy,
Notepad for thoughts,
Time cannot be bought,
But, love can?
What is love worth?
If we can't understand,
Yet we tolerate and accept,
When we should stop and move on,
You made a mistake,
So did I!
And we live and we learn,
The sun will come out tomorrow,
This time only you will get burned......
DMK 05/21/13
Monday, May 20, 2013
Depth perception
How deep can it get?
Ocean type,
Coal mine style,
Comparing feet to miles,
Change shoes,
To walk with the blues,
A broken heart?
Not by choice,
Just part of the dating structure,
Worse than a achilles rupture,
feel the rage,
Tour de france uphill stage,
Life on flat,
Knife in the back,
By someone you know?
Well sort of,
Love in the chamber,
Where's the remainder?
Not good at math,
Better at writing letters,
How many pages?
How many books?
Dirty looks,
Unprepared crooks,
Handcuffed landed,
Twenty five to life is what the judge handed,
How deep you asked?
Freedom just landed......
DMK 05/21/13
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Do they know?
I thought I knew
That marriage would be more than expectation,
It would involve more communication,
Fewer complications,
That LOVE would grow not dissolve,
That in trying to do everything that I can,
I thought that he would understand,
That with four arms it takes four hands,
Two get her meant together,
Not change like the weather,
I like change of seasons,
Now I am seeing different reasons,
To see different scenery,
Change my fall to greenery,
I love him,
I love him not?
A gray area in my heart feels like poison,
As I search for the remedy,
Help him understand how treats me,
Separation equals division,
If love was the operation,
We are not definitely on that mission,
Something’s missing,
Its each other,
Way back then,
Could never see where we are now,
When the tough get going,
The weak really get going!
No more threats,
Just do what you have to do!
I really thought I knew,
So what does LOVE have to with it?
I thought you knew…..
DMK 05/19/2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
All are not evil
They do not understand a good man,
But, that is what they seek,
A good man is knocking at the door,
Yet they refuse to take a peek,
Their soul is protected from an internal moat,
They do not trust but, believe in hope?
A double standard for being double crossed,
We have all been on the sea of love and been disappointed and tossed,
The sea of tranquility is a treasure we all desire,
To put a away past memories of doubts and liars,
Never give up and never quit searching.
For the minute we give in evil is lurking,
It may come with the sun,
But, a gray cloud may be near,
Isn’t love waiting worth for instead of unnecessary tears?
A good man will wait but, for how long?
Do we all have to finish last just like the song?
We should all understand and open up more,
One can never do that until they decide to open the door,
From mans perspective a good woman is hard to find,
Does it make me less of man because you are treated nice?
Since knocking is something you can’t understand,
Would it make a difference if I were to ring the door bell twice?
DMK 07/20/10
Tribe called quest,
Quest is my tribe,
People actually listening and feeling this vocal vibe,
You seek,
I won't hide,
If somethings wrong I'm me one can confide,
Hear if you can,
listen if you will,
Information is vital when ears stand still,
We should open up our mind so the brain can fill,
Stagnate eyes watching birds
From the pupils window sill...
DMK 5/10/13
Friday, May 17, 2013
Dream cast
Silly of me,
To think that we,
Could be something more than vision could see,
As I was thinking two way,
You were building dead end,
As I was dreaming,
You never saw a dream,
I saw you as a the number one pick,
Your called me and said, ” did you see who picked me?”
Well what are friends for?
mats on the floor,
A shoulder for used tears,
Shadows cast the fears,
Eyes hold back the tears,
Mouth opens to talk,
Feet are made to walk,
Not a gambling man but,I will bet.
She will not be around after sunset!
The best things about dreams is the ending can change.....
DMK 5/16/13
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
A long goodnight
Distance is in the future,
Mentally cut that could use a good suture,
Can't believe they took flight,
around midnight,
Without sight,
Should of been tight,
Received more insight,
Out sight in focus,
Soul like a locust,
Heart starts to rust,
Bones become dust,
What really happened with us!
Frozen lake,
Sunrise is daybreak,
Decaying debri understand the rake?
Phony and fake,
Icing on the cake,
On time physically but, internally late,
Time is the ends fate,
Time is the beginning,
I thought it was genesis?
Finishing with revelation?
The eagle had landed on this generation,
The shadow follows,
The feet step, walk, or run,
When the life clock ends at zero?
A casket shows lifes reality.....
DMK 10 /16/ 2013
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
She's lovely,
But encouraging,
Knowing but, not knowing everything,
Mentally defeated,
Not hopeless,
heart scarred due to severe burns,
Life has changed and no one else is to blame,
Word searcher,
Web surfer,
looking for a perfect match,
Physical ingredients don't make the best batch,
Undo the latch,
Step outside the norm,
Wetter the storm,
Stop the rain,
Emotinal lighting,
Relationship repetiton can be quite frightening,
Everyone wants to feel the rays of the sun,
It's hard to turn a new one over when the other side is not done....
DMK 05/12/2013
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The Mask
Wants to be now but, we only hear from them later,
the undercover faker,
three times the hater,
Pull the wool down on your own eyes,
We are not falling for that caper!
Stand up and counted,
Not lay down to mounted,
Be real don’t taunt it,
Leave the past alone because its haunted,
Being a good man is all that is wanted,
The dawn of the ages,
Dogs should be kept in cages,
being mistreated only causes different types of mental rages,
we all want to be respected,
Well here is a white flag not for truce but, truth,
You have been caught!
As I look into the retina and see your own LIE,
So I am not the faker,
I understand,
It takes a lot to represent that we are real be it a woman or man,
The perpetrator,
Never the hero,
Your numerical value is a straight up zero,
Never thought that I could see that far,
And this heart so close,
Tired of your medicine,
because you gave the wrong dose,
Guilty as charged!
Because you who you are,
Never more always less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DMK 05/012/213 revised
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Its all about C
Divorce rates are on the incline,
Marriages happen without validity,
How can love happen if it has no synchronicity?
Oh say can you see?
That's like the the alphabet not having the letter ”C”!
Look both ways before we walk down the isle,
Remember The Green mile?
What's in a life long commitment if one can't even smile?
prenuptial agreements,
Everything's about money,
Now remember what I said earlier about the letter C?
It's all about focus,
Being real to ones feelings,
History and trends repeats itself,
Why doesn't love?
If we can C ourselves in the future, past, and in love,
About love what would you differently?
Why bother?
If you can't C the vision of loves true meaning.......
DMK 5/11/13
Friday, May 10, 2013
Have you seen what I haven't
So you say your a father,
But, not like my daddy,
If I called out for dad,
I had better chance of catching a CAB,
how sad,
I used to be so mad,
As time passed I became so glad,
The mind is sick,
But, the mirror is right,
I wanted to new like you just by the sight,
I wondered without stevie,
And I thought on my own,
How could a so called provider leave his family alone,
heart of stone,
Soul of selfishness,
Its hard to see the sunshine through so much darkness,
Ears shed tears from what the eyes see,
I shed tears because he never loved me,
He never saw my growth,
As I saw his demise,
He like the world trade fell right before my eyes,
what is a father if he's not a man,
and he once crawled as I but, now wont even stand,
Now we have a dad who stepped in,
Who stepped up,
Because you stepped out,
Never known as a man always a quitter,
would've been a great pitcher because all you throw is no hitters,
Can't accept the truth,
because you can't tell it!!
Since your good at stories,
Let me tell it,
semen and fallopian tubes,
Created a child,
As he captured his sight,
his so called father took flight,
No bail and truly no bond,
Just me and my mom
A stagnate pond,
The lone lillipad,
head held high as I lookup,
But, its not to you,
Your style and mine would only collide,
Because what I learned as a man is not to hide,
From what we become,
But you'll be that man when you decide not to run,
And when you found that father,
Your find your son,
Until that day RUN FORREST RUN...
DMK 05/10/13
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Unexplored Paradise
She surrounded by her own protection.
Emotionally entangled,
Her soul reaching for new horizons,
Her perfume spews desire,
Closeness without deception,
Warmth with meaningful reception,
Her request is within reason,
Kiss and fill the void without any physical treason,
In return receive her heart for every season,
From head to toe,
Very few will know,
The depth of this woman’s soul,
The view from her mountain top,
Describe her grace,
Sultry without lace,
Feel the passion through the smile on her face,
Few will understand,
Many will stare,
She is an island of destination,
Heart of paradise,
The mind can take us there,
She is only willing to let one arrive,
Do you have what it takes?
Patience will reveal the beauty of paradise………
DMK 1-18-2010
It’s hard to be complete when this life feels so empty,
Who will love me after the this heart reveals its true identity?
Its means so much to me,
Way beyond the chemistry,
Your lips just tranquilize me,
Your mind gives more depth to how I want it be added in my life,
Can you be the ice for the water in this glass?
Your hands are so warm,
Will you hold me like this for many years ahead?
Your one plus my one equals one,
Heart and soul equals LOVE,
We are no longer incomplete,
Kiss me once more,
I want to feel the way it was in my dreams.....
DMK 05/07/13
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Spare change
Cry my a river,
Downward in stream,
Eyes wide open stare into these dreams,
How shallow is the mind as deep as it seems?
Here's a thought,
Could you let yourself actually be bought?
Could you put a price on the soul?
Is six feet worth the hole?
The gateway of life's toll,
Didn't spark this,
The light caught the eye,
If money had wings would it really fly?
One thing I'd bet,
It wouldn't change the nations debt....
DMK 5/06/13
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Earth movement,
Clouds so high,
Sun so bright,
Why does the moon represent the night?
Daylight saving,
People misbehaving,
Money over love that's the new craving,
Live for life,
Life its worth living,
If heaven was guaranteed is your soul worth giving?
Earth with no axis,
Listen closely when I ask this,
What is one thing that could be taken that you'd actually miss?
If you could have one wish,
If you could choose real love,
Remember only one choice,
Listen to your heart,
Choose wisely to the inner voice,
Listen carefully to the tone,
Why do they call it a smartphone?
If we don't make smart choices on our own....
DMK 05/05/13
Thursday, May 2, 2013
I walk lonely and chaotic,
And see all but nothing,
Thinking without instinct,
Walking not following,
Yet I see her,
And nothing is spoken,
The lips seal is never broken,
Eyes in stagnate focus,
Staring into mind space,
That mental place,
Will I finish the race?
That never started,
The visions of what could be,
If she would just blink,
Silence is golden,
Rhythm is appreciated,
Love is not meant to be weak,
remember To keep the heart gated,
DMK 05/10/13
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Moving On
I should of saw this coming, All the turning my back and constantly running, Trying to find comfort for this soul, Trying to find patches...
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