Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chemical Insecurity

Faces are like places,
The view is panoramic,
Painted on with chemicals,
What happened to natural beauty?
Society is the brush,
For facial insecurity,
Women sleep without makeup,
Wake up without makeup,
But, buy items to cover up true identity,
Then buy products to uncover what's been hidden all day!
So who's fake?
Who's the culprit behind this dilemma?
Society's the brush we are the canvas,
It's woven in their scalp,
I'm so sorry, it's embedded in the brain,
Excuse me!  I paid good money for this hair,
We waste money on things we already have,
The word natural has been replaced with enhance,
We are born with a gift,
Everything that sags or falls we can magically lift,
The excuse is, " I want to be different!"
No we want to be accepted!
We want to spend money to change our appearance,
He wouldn't look at me twice without makeup,
Which is not true!
With or without makeup the word DAMN is in the conversation,
You define it yourself!
At the end of the day,
Do you like yourself?
Or do you need someone else to tell you?
Places are like faces,
The beauty is in the eyes of the person looking.....

DMK 42314 ©

Moving On

I should of saw this coming, All the turning my back and constantly running, Trying to find comfort for this soul, Trying to find patches...