Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Mirror friendship?
Did anyone think that a mirror could be a person's best friend?
It's there through every change of our life,
We look at during emotional crisis,
We ask questions and sometimes wait for a response,
It sees us at our best and worst,
It knows our family and friends,
It keeps secrets,
We make faces at it,
It always shows us who we really are,
Some people carry one around with them,
It comes in many different shapes and sizes as friends,
It's used to look at other people,
It never says a word!
It never passes judgement,
It's crazy but, we even treat the mirror as we would a friend,
We spit on it,
Write on it,
Cry on it,
Apologize for talking to them,
Break them and we are a reflection in every piece,
As if we broke it's heart,
But it never changes how it sees us,
We change when we look in it........
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink©1993 122315
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Blind complacency
Curiosity killed the cat,
Social media is the new parental outlet,
" Shhhhh can you keep a secret?"
But, phone is my own snitch,
Capturing the web of my own lies,
The closet is our children's darkroom,
What is being developed?
A kaleidoscope of selfies,
With a message,
Be careful of the photo chosen,
A misunderstood cloud can release undisclosed precipitation,
Watch for the spiral,
It's about to go viral!
Keep your eye on the closet,
The shoes displayed doesn't change who they are,
The spider's retina reveals deception,
As the confusion of passion,.
Creates delusion,
Partial illusion,
Is this because of global warming?
Choices are like the clothes worn,
Family values are hidden and torn,
Distraction is a form of attraction,
Wrong interaction,
Open the closet,
Because we need to see what shadows are following our children!
Because if they come out,
Will we be prepared?
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink© 1993 121915
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Emotional burn
My heart,
Endured your pain,
Your love,
Too many games,
Your past,
No future,
What's left?
Scars from cat gut number nine sutures,
Where we'll never go,
Back in time!
Don't want to forget you,
But I Damn sure don't want to retrieve,
Lies aroma suppressed the truth,
Eyes deceived,
As the heart believed,
Too many Y's,
Snake crawling lies,
Grammy like tears as you steadily cried!
No remorse,
You stayed on course,
I saw the signs,
But I had the wrong prescription,
You read the sign for me and gave me the wrong description,
My heart,
Your soul,
My shadows my friend,
You like the wind,
May I never feel that breeze again.........
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink ©1993 7/22/15
My heart,
Endured your pain,
Your love,
Too many games,
Your past,
No future,
What's left?
Scars from cat gut number nine sutures,
Where we'll never go,
Back in time!
Don't want to forget you,
But I Damn sure don't want to retrieve,
Lies aroma suppressed the truth,
Eyes deceived,
As the heart believed,
Too many Y's,
Snake crawling lies,
Grammy like tears as you steadily cried!
No remorse,
You stayed on course,
I saw the signs,
But I had the wrong prescription,
You read the sign for me and gave me the wrong description,
My heart,
Your soul,
My shadows my friend,
You like the wind,
May I never feel that breeze again.........
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink ©1993 7/22/15
Thursday, July 9, 2015
How can I hold you?
Tight,long, soft,or slowly?
Can you feel the heat?
The aroma from the skins pores?
Breathing steady and relaxed,
Excitement elevated to the max,
Pulse at a rapid tempo,
Hands clammy but, still can't let go!
Holding me as I hold you,
Where are the emoceans taking you?
What is in a hold? It depends on how the story is told,
Nighttime pleasure creating torrential rain
Emoceanal release producing organic frenzy,
Can I still hold you as the waves begin to descend?
Breathing that was once engaged begin to calm,
Heart returns to each others Palm,
Eye to eye they silently blink,
What is in thought as the minds begin to think?
Emoceans are like the oceans,
They come and go but, the beauty remains,
Despite its pain,
Life begins and ends,
Oceans breathe across the silt and sands,
A rhythmic song,
No words remind me that you're gone,
Only memories are streamed,
Each Emoceanal drop reminds me of the warmth of you!
Come into these arms and hold one more......
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink © 1993 070715 revised
How can I hold you?
Tight,long, soft,or slowly?
Can you feel the heat?
The aroma from the skins pores?
Breathing steady and relaxed,
Excitement elevated to the max,
Pulse at a rapid tempo,
Hands clammy but, still can't let go!
Holding me as I hold you,
Where are the emoceans taking you?
What is in a hold? It depends on how the story is told,
Nighttime pleasure creating torrential rain
Emoceanal release producing organic frenzy,
Can I still hold you as the waves begin to descend?
Breathing that was once engaged begin to calm,
Heart returns to each others Palm,
Eye to eye they silently blink,
What is in thought as the minds begin to think?
Emoceans are like the oceans,
They come and go but, the beauty remains,
Despite its pain,
Life begins and ends,
Oceans breathe across the silt and sands,
A rhythmic song,
No words remind me that you're gone,
Only memories are streamed,
Each Emoceanal drop reminds me of the warmth of you!
Come into these arms and hold one more......
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink © 1993 070715 revised
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
My God,
My soul,
Do many days,
So many debts
So few coins to pay them all,
Yet I stand tall,
No room to fall,
No room to bail,
My wife and kids are the reason that I cannot fail,
Breads stale,
Milks curdle,
Don't run track but I'm facing all these hurdles,
These feel the are worn to the bone,
God, "please bless our home!"
"Change this heart from stone!"
I can't do this alone!
I can't chase my dreams,
I wanna reach to sky,
Please cry on me,
Quench the thirst in these eyes,
It's easy to finish,
Harder to start,
Here is my soul,
To put love in my heart......
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink ©1993 070615
My God,
My soul,
Do many days,
So many debts
So few coins to pay them all,
Yet I stand tall,
No room to fall,
No room to bail,
My wife and kids are the reason that I cannot fail,
Breads stale,
Milks curdle,
Don't run track but I'm facing all these hurdles,
These feel the are worn to the bone,
God, "please bless our home!"
"Change this heart from stone!"
I can't do this alone!
I can't chase my dreams,
I wanna reach to sky,
Please cry on me,
Quench the thirst in these eyes,
It's easy to finish,
Harder to start,
Here is my soul,
To put love in my heart......
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink ©1993 070615
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Picture me,
Picturing you,
Picture a camera lens capturing you,
Would you smile?
Would you frown?
Would shy away our turn around?
Picture a canvas,
As the brush reveals images of realism,
Picture the optical eyes,
Of who is painting the picture of you!
Pictures by an array of items,
Capable of imaginative imagery,
If the past, present, and future,
Turn pictures may require sutures,
Yesterday I saw a picture of you,
Amongst the clouds of blue,
Picture me with you,
Loving life,
Missing loving you,
Picture me holding the last picture of you..........
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink ©1993 062115
Picture me,
Picturing you,
Picture a camera lens capturing you,
Would you smile?
Would you frown?
Would shy away our turn around?
Picture a canvas,
As the brush reveals images of realism,
Picture the optical eyes,
Of who is painting the picture of you!
Pictures by an array of items,
Capable of imaginative imagery,
If the past, present, and future,
Turn pictures may require sutures,
Yesterday I saw a picture of you,
Amongst the clouds of blue,
Picture me with you,
Loving life,
Missing loving you,
Picture me holding the last picture of you..........
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink ©1993 062115
Saturday, June 20, 2015
How can I explain the bevel?
Manufacturers steel on a pointed level,
From hole to another,
Creates scars among sisters and brothers,
Mother's leave children,
Children become parents,
Infants of addiction,
Cause of unwanted affliction,
Lost my job,
Forced to Rob,
Now I'm wanted for crimes,
I used to see on the tv I just sold,
Broke the mold,
While cooking fools gold,
Arms like a drawbridge craving to unfold,
Hungry for that packet,
That they pulled from their jacket,
Just need another $10,
To commit tourniquet skin rising sin,
I don't wanna do this no more,
Become another body on the floor,
Can someone show me light through Hells cellar floor?
Tired of the dark,
Don't want to see flames from the butanes spark,
I've seen the reaper,
Under the chemicals sleeper,
The story gets deeper,
The pen won't let me write,
These eyes are getting heavy and begin losing sight,
"Hey stay with me!"
"Your gotta breathe you gotta fight!"
"Give me the paddles,"
"Can you hear me?"
"Everybody clear............
DonaldEMcKinnon eyes2ink ©1993 5/22/15
Injection (revised)
Picture me bummin,
Begging for sumthin for nothin,
Straight frontin,
Plain game,
Not worried about shame,
Cause the street is my name,
Cookin pipes with open flames,
With a spoonful of liquid addiction,
Every time I light it, I fight it,
In a shooting gallery with no paintings!
Just unknown needle artists,
As soon as I smell the aroma,
It's all over I'm a goner,
To the island of mirage,
But, I wake up in a abandoned garage,
Burnt lips and fingertips, No chips, Worried about a sore I caught from some nasty hips, Everything in this life has lost its grip,
So my food box remains hungary and sick,
Yearning for the next packets fix,
Trying to look for a bottle to sip,
If I'd had some cheddar life would better,
Even when it rains on me nothing gets wetter,
Shopping cart for a car and surrounded cardboard walls to protect the dome,
I wish I could go home!
Tired if the dope, internal inhales of smoke, need spiritual hope, cause I can't cope, eyes seeing everything as a kaleidoscope,
To arteries mainstream,
Muscles rigid and tense,
Teeth relaxed but dirty as a backyard fence,
I cry for the high,
"I can't lie!"
But I don't wanna die because of the next injection!
I'm sick of sitting in mental highs detention,
Hoping for television intervention but my unpaid cell phone can't make the needed connection,
Looking for SOS can't call 911,
Trapped in Hells darkness while paying for the holy son,
I'm in a traffic jam everything is stop light red, How can I push life up?
What can anyone say?
When the initials in your name spell D.O.A.
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink©1993 8/21/15
When the tongue moves
Need not worry,
Need not fear,
Need not tear,
From the words that ears hear,
Welcome arms open for hugs as one nears,
How it happens it is unclear,
Hearts is broken let alone badly seared,
Sticks and stones have broken bones,
And names penetrate deep,
May are deepest prayers be answered as we sleep,
And may forgiveness be a word that flows in speech,
So that hateful words we never speak,
Occasional people may fall stray,
Far away,
Hate will keep many away,
I Love You is the path for anyone to find their way home.......
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink ©1993 62015
Need not worry,
Need not fear,
Need not tear,
From the words that ears hear,
Welcome arms open for hugs as one nears,
How it happens it is unclear,
Hearts is broken let alone badly seared,
Sticks and stones have broken bones,
And names penetrate deep,
May are deepest prayers be answered as we sleep,
And may forgiveness be a word that flows in speech,
So that hateful words we never speak,
Occasional people may fall stray,
Far away,
Hate will keep many away,
I Love You is the path for anyone to find their way home.......
DonaldEMcKinnon eyestoink ©1993 62015
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Help Wanted
Delicately seeking,
Eyelids closed but, sometimes peeking,
To see what the mind can reveal,
What would have happened if they didn't create the wheel?
If people with the finances wouldn't steal?
If people who are blatantly fake would actually be real?
If paralyzed people could wake up and feel?
If there's no such thing as a bad deal,
How come some of the world's best athletes are the worst criminals?
It's all about the M O N E Y,
MAY we never WEATHER that storm!
POLICE with a violent baton and comes with no battery,
How can you have positive battery and conclude with negative results,
One for all and all one?
A clean badge but, dirty gun?
Can I see your license and registration?
Let freedom ring,
Hope it's not close to our ears,
The red, white, and blue,
It's a towel for tears,
What's happening in the world today we wonder?
I hope they find a solution before more of the innocent become six feet under......
Eyes2ink1993 1/6/15
Eyelids closed but, sometimes peeking,
To see what the mind can reveal,
What would have happened if they didn't create the wheel?
If people with the finances wouldn't steal?
If people who are blatantly fake would actually be real?
If paralyzed people could wake up and feel?
If there's no such thing as a bad deal,
How come some of the world's best athletes are the worst criminals?
It's all about the M O N E Y,
MAY we never WEATHER that storm!
POLICE with a violent baton and comes with no battery,
How can you have positive battery and conclude with negative results,
One for all and all one?
A clean badge but, dirty gun?
Can I see your license and registration?
Let freedom ring,
Hope it's not close to our ears,
The red, white, and blue,
It's a towel for tears,
What's happening in the world today we wonder?
I hope they find a solution before more of the innocent become six feet under......
Eyes2ink1993 1/6/15
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Moving On
I should of saw this coming, All the turning my back and constantly running, Trying to find comfort for this soul, Trying to find patches...
Desert storm, Touch so warm, Mountain peak, I love the way you speak, Hold me near, Whisper in my ear, Vision so clear, Eyedrops, Teardrops,...
Pulling you closer because of your magnetism, Gravity? More like gravitate! Drawn to the heart full of lies, Trying to disguise the birth of...