Delicately seeking,
Eyelids closed but, sometimes peeking,
To see what the mind can reveal,
What would have happened if they didn't create the wheel?
If people with the finances wouldn't steal?
If people who are blatantly fake would actually be real?
If paralyzed people could wake up and feel?
If there's no such thing as a bad deal,
How come some of the world's best athletes are the worst criminals?
It's all about the M O N E Y,
MAY we never WEATHER that storm!
POLICE with a violent baton and comes with no battery,
How can you have positive battery and conclude with negative results,
One for all and all one?
A clean badge but, dirty gun?
Can I see your license and registration?
Let freedom ring,
Hope it's not close to our ears,
The red, white, and blue,
It's a towel for tears,
What's happening in the world today we wonder?
I hope they find a solution before more of the innocent become six feet under......
Eyes2ink1993 1/6/15